Facial Acupuncture is a safe, natural alternative to cosmetic surgery and many women are increasingly choosing it as a way of facial enhancement. It has been shown to increase collagen production, helping to smooth out wrinkles and firm the skin. The treatment stimulates local circulation of blood and lymph to the face, improves muscle tone, encourages tightening of the pores and brightens the eyes. It greatly reduces stress evident in the face, bringing out the beauty within. This is a holistic treatment which aims to restore balance. Many notice other health benefits such as reduction in stress levels and more energy.
Acupressure Face Lift Massage
This amazing treatment incorporates a unique blend of highly effective massage techniques including Acupressure, drawn from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Indian Face Massage and Lymphatic Drainage, helping to rid the body of toxins. This facial massage involves flowing techniques which act as a natural facelift as an alternative to surgery, helping you feel and look younger. At the pace we live our lives, we all have tension that builds up in our scalp, face, neck and shoulder muscles and many of us would love to release these tension hotspots, reduce wrinkles and take much needed time out for ourselves.