Modern life can make it easy to eat and drink more than we realise and do little physical activity. The result is often weight gain. To lose weight, we need to change our current habits. This means eating less - even when eating a healthy, balanced diet - and getting more active. Drastic fad diets and exercise regimes that result in rapid weight loss are unlikely to work for long, because these kinds of lifestyle changes can't be maintained. Once you stop the regime, you're likely to return to old habits and regain weight.
Instead, choose diet and physical activity changes that you can make a part of your daily routine, and stick to for life. In order to achieve meaningful weight loss, lifestyle changes have to made and acupuncture can help with this.
People are often concerned about a lack of energy, increased stress levels, and difficulty coping with the pain that can occur when starting a new exercise regimen. Acupuncture is helpful with weight loss as it increases a person's energy levels and can relieve the pain that they feel when exercising. It is also useful if there is a metabolic condition that results in weight gain; it increases the body's metabolism, reduces food cravings, and improves circulation all around the body.More specifically, acupuncture has been found to reduce both weight and cholesterol levels by mobilising energy stores. Studies have shown that people receiving acupuncture lost twice as much weight as those who were on a diet alone. In addition, those receiving acupuncture decreased their levels of total cholesterols, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol. Acupuncture helps to regulate sleep, this is also beneficial for weight loss. This is because regular sleeping patterns sustain the body throughout the day, help to maintain a balanced lifestyle and allow the metabolism to find a balanced and steady rhythm.
Treatments will involve acupuncture points on the body and the ears, Earseeds can then be used between sessions. It is recommended to start with up to 8 sesessions of weekly treatments.